10 Things You Should Know Before Having a Guinea Pig
Today we want to share with you a special post:
10 Things You Should Know Before Having a Guinea Pig
If you are thinking of having a guinea pig, we recommend that you first see this perfect guide for beginners which will inform you about what you need to know.
Despite their small size, they need adequate space and, like all pets, they require basic care so that they grow up happy and in a pleasant environment.
Guinea pigs need specific care and have different needs than other small pets. The creator of this video will talk about 10 things you should know before having a guinea pig.
We are sure that this video will be of great help to you if you want to have a guinea pig, don't miss it!
What should the guinea pig's housing be like?
Guinea pigs naturally live in groups and tend to be happiest with another guinea pig. Two young specimens almost always get along. The size of your cage must be at least 80 x 50 cm. It is important to clean it regularly.
Your cage doesn't need to be particularly tall, as guinea pigs are not skilled climbers. To cover the ground, you can use wood shavings (without dust) or a hemp bedding. The bed is a fundamental part of the habitat of our little protagonists.
It forms the ground on which they walk with their delicate little legs, keeps them dry, provides them with material to make their beds and, if necessary, their nests. It also serves to dig and have fun. There are several types:
-Classic Chip: It is the most common hygienic bedding for rodents in cages. It is usually made of natural pine wood. No odors; Being a soft wood, it is highly absorbent and keeps your pet dry.
It is also the cheapest and easiest to get. It needs to be renewed frequently because it is not as efficient at hiding bad odors. A tip, look for one that does not have dust that can affect the respiratory tract.
- Corn cob bed: this substrate is more ecological, since its origin is found in the rest of the corn crop. It has the advantage of absorbing from the lowest layers, always leaving the superficial ones dry.
The material is 100% natural, heat treated to dry it out and make it more absorbent and airy to remove dust.
-Recycled paper bed: it is a product called "ecological", since it is made from recycled material and is 100% biodegradable.
It does not contain chemical additives and has the advantage of agglomerating when wet, which allows the dirty parts to be removed and the rest to extend its useful life. It does not dust, it is quite soft and loose, but it may not be as attractive to dig. Discarded material can be used as plant fertilizer or flushed down the toilet. It's not as cheap as French fries.
-Wood paste: the main advantage of this substrate for cages is that it is super absorbent, up to 3 times its own volume. The type of pulp used is that which is not used to make paper, so it does not contain inks or solvents; it does not release dust and is very good at absorbing odors.
-Wheat straw: it is a 100% natural substrate. It is a product in the form of granules with a high fiber content from waste material.
It is ideal for pets that like to eat the substrate, since it does not swell or clog and is also good for teething. This bedding also wicks from the bottom up, keeping the surface dry.
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Guinea Pigs
Source: Guinea Piggles
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