14 Common Mistakes Rabbit Owners Make

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14 Common Mistakes Rabbit Owners Make

Rabbits are usually very good pets, especially for small spaces and for children, since they do not need as much care as a dog or cat.

The advantages of having them at home is that they are very intelligent and if you get used to them they are very docile, it costs little to keep them, they suffer from few zoonoses (diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans) and they do not need as much veterinary care.

The disadvantages would be that their cages or rooms smell bad if they are not sanitized, they are nocturnal animals like all rodents, so they can bother you at night, since they are especially active.

They are great escapists, their life is very short compared to other species of domestic animals and if they are not handled are often afraid of biting or hurting their hind legs when kicking.

They are affectionate if they live with the family from a young age and have a lot of contact with people.

If they are loose at home and call them by name, over time they can recognize and follow their owner as if they were a dog.

The ideal is to keep it in a well-conditioned cage, in general, the larger the size, the better quality of life it will provide.

If they have the possibility of making controlled exits from the house, the cage can be smaller, on the contrary, if they are confined all day.

They should have the possibility of having space to do some physical exercise inside.

It is very difficult to let them loose without control, since they can bite objects in the house such as books, furniture or small things that can harm their health.

They are very easy to adapt to their new home if they have the minimum necessary conditions; that is, their food, water, some hay to eat, and some hard things to chew on.

In general, they urinate in the cage and if it is removed they can relieve themselves anywhere in the house because they are not used to a certain place.

Their diet should be mainly of specific feed for them and they can be supplemented with fruits such as apples, peaches or pears, green leafy vegetables.

Also carrots and, of course, hay or dry alfalfa to maintain a good level of fiber in their diet.

Mistakes Rabbit Owners Make

Bathing your rabbit

Rabbits are very clean animals and never need a bath.

If your rabbit isn't grooming well, it could be a sign that he needs a visit to the vet.

Bathing your rabbit can be harmful because rabbits can panic and fracture a spine or limb if they struggle.

Bathing is very stressful for most rabbits and can lead to respiratory infections and even heart attacks. And your rabbit could develop hypothermia.

And remember, a rabbit's skin is very sensitive and delicate. Bathing them strips the body of its natural oils and irritates the skin.

If your rabbit needs cleaning, just clean it or give it a dry bath.

Feed them lots of carrots and fruits

In the wild, rabbits do not naturally eat roots or fruits.

Carrots and berries are high in sugar and should only be given to rabbits as occasional treats in small amounts.

As a general rule of thumb, an approximate amount of fruit to feed your rabbit is one teaspoon per 2 pounds of body weight per day.

And believe it or not, some pale iceberg lettuce contains lactucarium and can be harmful to your rabbit.

Darker, fibrous, leafier varieties of lettuce, such as romaine lettuce, should be fed as they are higher in nutrients and fiber.

Similarly, muesli should never be given to rabbits, as it can cause them health problems.

Keep the rabbits out

The outdoors is fraught with danger for pet rabbits.

Don't rabbit-proof your house

Some rabbits can cause problems. They may chew on objects in your home or burrow into carpeted floors.

Rabbit protection in your home is essential to protect your pet and your belongings.

Be sure to cover exposed wires with plastic sleeves or flexible tubing.

Seal gaps behind and under furniture and cabinets, and wrap flexible tubing around wooden table or chair legs.

And it's important to keep houseplants out of your rabbit's reach.

Many plants are toxic to rabbits, and rabbits' instincts don't always guide them as to which plant is safe for them.

Do not spay or neuter your rabbit

Spaying or neutering your rabbit also reduces the risk of reproductive cancer and urinary tract infections. In particular, female rabbits are in danger of extinction.

If they have not been sterilized, they have an 80% chance of facing uterine cancer at age 6.

High temperatures

Rabbits prefer temperatures around 60-65 degrees Fahrenheit. And temperatures above 85 degrees are dangerous for pet rabbits, as they can easily develop heat stroke.

Wrong diet

Rabbits should have a constant and unlimited supply of high-quality grass hay such as Timothy, orchard, or brome to graze throughout the day.

Feeding too many pellets can make your rabbit overweight and cause digestion problems. Your bunny will likely ask for more treats, but don't give up!

A very small sandbox

A rabbit's litter box should be large enough for them to sit in the litter box and turn around without a problem.

Suitable litter boxes can be found in the cat section. But remember, most kitty litter contains clay and chemicals that are harmful to rabbits.

Clay-based litters are very dusty and can cause respiratory problems in rabbits. Instead, it's better to use simple hay or paper-based bedding.

Small Offices

Your rabbit should live in a rabbit-proof space or large exercise pen.

They must be able to run around and have separate spaces for sleeping, eating, and using the bathroom.

Lack of attention

Interestingly, rabbits are prey animals and have evolved to hide their weaknesses or diseases.

This can prevent them from being seen as an easy target for predators to chase.

Any change in their posture, eating, hygiene, urination habits, or even increased aggressiveness or lack of energy could be a sign of illness.

Lack of socialization

Rabbits are highly social animals and need daily interaction and socialization.

Ideally, rabbits should be kept in pairs, but if you have only one rabbit, make sure the company comes from you.

A lonely rabbit can suffer from depression, stress and boredom.

Trusting the pet store

Most pet stores do not have aisles dedicated to rabbits. In fact, rabbit supplies are often placed in the same sections as hamsters, guinea pigs, or rats.

However, rabbits are really very different from all these animals.

Using a bottle of water

It is not easy for rabbits to drink water from a water bottle, and lack of water can cause dehydration or kidney disease in rabbits.

Attractive granule mixes

Many attractive pellet mixes marketed for rabbits contain sugary bits, seeds, peas, and other ingredients that often lead to an unhealthy rabbit digestive system and obesity.

Instead, give your rabbit those plain, boring little pellets, and he'll love you for it.

We hope you enjoy this video about Rabbits

Source: Jaw-Dropping Facts

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