3 Easy Tips for Bonding With Your Bird

Domestic birds are excellent companions. They are full of character and offer a loyal friendship if properly raised and cared for.
Some birds are easy to bond early on, while others may take a while to warm up. You have a new pet bird and you want to bond with this new pet.
Use these tips and tricks to start bonding with your pet bird for a lasting friendship.
Keep your voice low and inviting
Speaking softly is important when you get to know your new pet. This will help keep the bird calm and relaxed.
Loud noises can scare your bird away from you. If your voice is calm and engaging, your bird will likely listen intently with curiosity as you speak to it.
Go slow
Sudden movements can also startle your bird. Use slower movements and create a calm environment so your bird feels safe.
Starting with a scare can make it difficult to connect with your bird if it feels threatened, scared, or irritated.
Offer your favorite gift
Food usually does the trick. Offer your bird his favorite treat, such as fruits, vegetables, or breed-specific treats such as Kaytee Superfood Treat Sticks.
Birds love tasty treats, and if you are the one to give them the treat, they will see you as a friend. It never hurts to bribe your new feathered friend a little to help him understand that you're friendly!
Please note that it is important to maintain a healthy diet for your bird. Don't give any pet too many treats.
Offer them Comfort
When bonding with your bird, it is important to remove it from its habitat. This time out of the habitat is enriching and provides them with the stimuli they need to be happy and healthy.
While they are out of their cage exploring, try taking them to another room away from their habitat, so if they want to retire to their safe house, they will likely retire to you instead of their habitat.
They view your home/cage as a safe space, but it's important that you also provide them with comfort. This positions you as a safe space, creating a connection with your pet.
Socialize with your bird
Birds are intelligent animals. They remember interactions with humans, and if you've adopted a rescue animal, it may have had a negative experience with previous owners.
Help them warm up by slowly socializing your bird. If they seem nervous when you first arrive at their cage, take a few minutes each day to sit by their habitat, talk to them, or just spend time with them.
They can pick up the energy and the words that you and your family say. Gradually spend more and more time with your birds until they feel comfortable in your presence.
Before you know it, chances are you'll be able to hang out with your feathered friend for long periods of time.
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Birds
Source: Leporello the Goldfinch – Birdtaming Tips & Tricks
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