5 Basic Tips to Gain the Trust of a Cat
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5 Basic Tips to Gain the Trust of a Cat
Watching this video you can learn to gain the trust of a cat. Ways to help guardians strengthen the bonds they have with their pets are always being sought. In this video, you will find 5 basic tips to gain the trust of a cat, whether it is an adult or a puppy.
You may need to gain a cat's trust since it is new to your family, but it can also be helpful if you come across a stray or abandoned cat. It is not easy to make a cat trust you, but if you follow these guidelines it can be very helpful.
Your cat must feel important. Give him everything he needs for his well-being; Place your food and litter in a quiet spot where there isn't as much activity or foot traffic. Put shelves and high places for him to take over his space and feel more comfortable.
A good attitude when your cat is around will make your cat feel more secure. How can you do that? Giving her food, a good time to play and petting will make your cat associate your approach with something positive.
Cats usually take longer to learn to adapt than dogs, so understanding their nature is very important. Whenever a change occurs, such as a move or the arrival of a stranger to our cat, it is essential not to force him to do something he does not want, such as forcing him to come out of hiding. Give him his time and space.
It is not advisable to resort to punishment when it comes to cats, this will cause them to associate you negatively and feel distrust towards you; In addition, it will cause stress and anxiety.
Ideally, when educating your cat, it should be through positive behaviors. When problems arise, seek the root cause or the help of a professional.
A daily play session is very important to strengthen the bond with your cat. On the other hand, you will help him stimulate his mind and free him from stress.
You can find different types of toys in the market, or you can also make them at home. Hint: cats love cardboard boxes!
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Cats
Source: AnimalWised
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