5 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making With Ferrets

Today we want to share with you a special post:
5 Mistakes You Should Avoid Making With Ferrets
This video informs about the 5 big mistakes first time ferret owners make. It can be easy to make mistakes when you are a new ferret owner. The creator of this video reports on 5 of these mistakes so you can know how to take care of them correctly.
Making mistakes is nothing to be ashamed of. The important thing is to always learn and always be willing to change and improve what you are doing to improve your ferret's life. We are sure that this video can be of great help to you! Do not miss it!
Behavior of ferrets in their natural habitat
Just as the dog is descended from the wolf, ferrets are descended from the wild weasel. They are carnivorous, nocturnal and hunters by nature. To know the elementary care, it is first necessary to observe its primitive characteristics.
Ferrets constantly hide in holes and dark spaces. They have an excellent sense of smell, as opposed to their visual ability. Sight is a sense that does not help them, so they are guided by smell.
That ability to sneak into different corners is what makes them dangerous at home. Ferrets can be injured if they become entangled in electrical appliances or electrical cords.
They are usually a deadly hazard when they get caught in folding chairs, so it is recommended to keep them away from this type of furniture.
Feeding care for ferrets
The supply of water and food must be continuous, he will take care of regulating the amounts he eats. It is very important that you stay hydrated.
In the diet it is mandatory to include meat, poultry or animal protein. It is not recommended to feed them raw, as the meat can contain bacteria and make you sick. In addition, it is necessary to avoid feeding the ferret with excess carbohydrates and fiber.
In the market you can find feed for ferrets, a food with all the necessary components for their healthy development. The labeling of the container must contain between 30% and 35% animal protein. Meat residues or by-products are not recommended.
To stay healthy, ferrets should eat between 15-20% fat and a maximum of 4% fiber. Taurine is an important component in the ferret's body, it is an essential amino acid. Vitamins A, E and C are also part of the essential components.
The ferret should avoid some foods that are harmful to its body:
- Chocolates or sweets.
- Raw meat or fish, especially pork.
- Dairy products.
- Onion derivatives.
- Spices.
- Corn, since it is a lot of fiber and your digestive system does not assimilate it properly.
- Food scraps like chicken bones.
Ferret habitat
Ferrets, as pets, measure between 35cm and 40cm in length. When they are in their natural environment or in the wild, they exceed this size.
Therefore, the cage should be approximately 90 cm long, 60 cm wide and 70 cm high. In addition, it must include more than two levels so that the ferret can move comfortably.
The cage should be placed in a place with no wind and no direct sunlight, as they do not like these climates. They can change or suffer stress if exposed to temperatures above 30°C.
It is necessary that among the accessories of the cage there are tunnels, a hammock, a bed and safe objects that serve as toys. They love to play and exercise.
If the cage is large enough, the ferret can eliminate in it, as long as the space is away from where it sleeps and eats. There are different types of bedding or substrate on the market to absorb odor and moisture.
Products available for cats, such as clay or bentonite litter, are not recommended for ferrets, as when wet they easily adhere to the ferret's fur, paws, nose and eyes and are very difficult to remove.
Silica sand and pine shavings are also not recommended, as they can have a detrimental influence on the ferret's respiratory system.
The recommended ones are beds made of recycled paper. They are economical, have good odor regulation and provide heat. It is comfortable to clean and throw away, in addition, it has the quality of being biodegradable. It also does not cause harm to the pet's respiratory and liver system.
Ferret Cleaning Care
Ferrets have a characteristic odor emanating from the characteristic oils in their fur. For some people it is uncomfortable and they make the mistake of bathing it several times, believing that this will remove it.
This is a very common mistake, since it is recommended to bathe only once a month. Since ferrets cannot withstand extreme climates or sudden changes in temperature, the water must be clean and warm so that they feel comfortable and can bathe comfortably.
Ferrets mark where they live, so the cage should be thoroughly cleaned once a week. The bed that serves as a bathroom should preferably be changed every two days.
Castration in ferrets
The endocrine system of ferrets is complex compared to other pets. These animals are prone to insulinomas, tumors that are created from the acceleration of hormones when the ferret has not been neutered.
Another pathology is hyperestrogenism, which occurs when the bone marrow is affected by hormones.
When a ferret is adopted, most of the time the animal is neutered. It is important to find out about the castration time, since the intervention must be carried out after 15 months of life. In some cases, castration is done earlier, which will cause endocrine problems.
These tumors appear because the hormones lodge in the suprarenal or adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, and they grow until they produce tumors.
Advice for handling and taming the ferret
In case the ferret or the owner is congested with flu symptoms, it is recommended to limit cuddles and close proximity, since the infection is easily transmitted.
The ferret is considered an easily domesticated animal. In the market there are prizes that can be used to accustom the ferret to cover its needs in the available places.
Although the fruit can also be offered as a treat, this should be in limited quantities and as a last option, since it contains a lot of fiber.
Anyone who decides to have a ferret as a pet must be very attentive to basic care to keep them at home, especially if there are children in the house. Guiding and accompanying the child in raising this pet is essential.
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Farrets
Source: 1Tale4Paws
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