5 Tips to Get Your First Hamster

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Four legs, two bright eyes and a pair of nervous whiskers. There's nothing cuter than a pet hamster! There are several reasons why hamsters are ideal as a first pet.

They're fun, cute, get along well with children and are relatively easy to care for. But that doesn't mean they don't take a little work.

Between cage cleaning, feeding, exercise and hand training, you may feel overwhelmed for the first few weeks. If you've welcomed a hamster into your family, here are five quick care tips to keep in mind.


For one thing, your diet is very important. Find a good quality hamster food and supplement it with vegetables. Hamsters usually eat once or twice a day.

You must plan your diet and hydration. To begin with, it is important that you install the feeder away from the house where it sleeps, so we will avoid mixing things and ending up eating in the place where it sleeps.

Your hamster can be fed twice a day. We recommend that you provide a mix of prepared foods that often contain various types of seeds and corn, among other additions. They are also very fond of fruits and vegetables, so you should give them in small amounts.

Hydration is extremely important. Make sure your water cooler is always filled with water to prevent dehydration. Keep in mind that you should change the water daily.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that the water should not touch the shavings at the bottom of the cage, if this happens it can change the state of the material and facilitate the proliferation of fungi, which in turn can cause the hamster to get sick.


Have a good workout! Take him out of the cage once or twice a day and place him on his running ball, always under surveillance. Also, you can put a wheel inside his cage.

If your hamster is very passive and doesn't want to exercise, take it out of the cage and let it run around on the hamster exercise ball. This option is also very good for your hamster to feel more freedom, since it will be able to run around the house without fear of getting lost.

Even so, we recommend that when you put the hamster in a ball, make sure that it does not go near stairs or places where it can fall and injure itself.


Another advice to take care of your first hamster is: do not forget to clean the cage, hygiene is very important so that your hamster stays in good health.

At least once a week, it is necessary to wash and disinfect his cage, throw out old shavings and put new bedding. If there are leftover fruits and vegetables that have not been eaten, throw them away.


Be sure to protect your hamster while you do this so it doesn't run away or get into danger. Putting him on his running ball in a closed room for a while is a good idea.

A cage must be at least 30 × 60 centimeters. But if it can be bigger, all the better. It is important that you have a place to put water and food separately, your rest area and enough space to move.

Basic care:

Hamsters should not be bathed! They clean themselves, if you notice that it smells bad, it may be their cage, just clean it. The hamster cage should be cleaned regularly.

To clean the cage you should use a neutral dishwasher and avoid any other type of soap, since the slightest trace of another type of soap, such as hand soap, can be very harmful to your hamster.

Rinse and dry the cage thoroughly before placing the animal back in it. Hamsters need to play regularly to stay mentally healthy. In addition to placing toys, interact and play with your pet to strengthen the bond between the two of you.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Hamster

Source: Secret Life Of My Hamster

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