Chicken Feeding - The Keys to a Balanced Diet

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Chicken Feeding - The Keys to a Balanced Diet

Discover the secrets of chicken feeding. Today we will teach you how to feed your chickens correctly to guarantee their health!

Have you ever wondered what chickens eat? Unlike commercially raised chickens, chickens raised as pets require a balanced and specific diet to ensure that they have a good quality of life.

In this article, we'll walk you through the key components of a balanced diet for pet hens and give you tips to ensure your hen is getting the necessary nutrients to live a long and healthy life.

In addition, we will also explain some common mistakes that are made when feeding chickens so that you do not make them or continue to make them.

If you own chickens or are considering keeping chickens as pets, don't miss this article.

How to feed chickens in a balanced way?

A balanced diet for chickens includes the following components:

Chicken feed

This is the main component of the chicken diet.

Chicken feed is specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of chickens and provide them with all essential nutrients.


Grains, such as corn, wheat, and oats, provide additional carbohydrates and protein.

It is important to ensure that the beans are clean and free from contamination.

Vegetables and fruits

Fresh vegetables and fruits provide additional vitamins and minerals.

Some popular options include:

  • Vegetables: Lettuce, spinach, carrots, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, celery, cabbage, Swiss chard, etc.
  • Fruits: Apples, strawberries, bananas, grapes, melon, peach, pears, etc.
  • Herbs: such as basil, oregano, mint, catnip, etc.

It is important to remember that some fruits and vegetables may contain substances that are toxic to chickens, it is advisable to research the fruits and vegetables that are safe for chickens before offering them.

Avoid offering fruits and vegetables that are damaged or spoiled, as they can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Animal Protein

A balanced chicken diet should include some sources of animal protein, but it is important to note that not all animal protein is right for chickens and can cause health problems.

Some animal protein options that may be safe for chickens include:

  • Fly larvae: they are a rich source of protein for chickens, they can be caught on the ground or bought in specialized stores.
  • Mealworms: they are also a good source of protein, they can be grown at home or bought in specialized stores.
  • Wild insects: such as crickets, grasshoppers, etc., are another source of natural protein.

However, it is important to note that some of these protein sources can be dangerous for chickens.

For example, it is not recommended to give raw meat or fish, as they may contain bacteria that can cause illness in chickens. It is also important to avoid giving them excessive animal protein.


It is essential that chickens have access to clean, fresh water at all times. It is important to clean and change the water regularly.

It is important to remember that the nutritional needs of hens vary according to age, size and reproductive status.

Frequent mistakes when feeding chickens

Some common chicken feeding mistakes include:

  • Feeding human food: Often people make the mistake of feeding their chickens human food instead of specific chicken food. This can cause a nutritional imbalance and health problems in the chickens.
  • Not providing enough vegetables and fruits: It is important to include fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet of the hens to provide them with additional vitamins and minerals.
  • Feeding bad grains: It is important to make sure that the grains being fed to the chickens are clean and free from contamination.
  • Dirty water: It is important to clean and change the water regularly to ensure that the chickens have access to clean, fresh water at all times.
  • Inadequate Housing Space: It is important to provide adequate space for chickens, such as a shed or barn, to protect them from the elements and provide a safe place to roost.
  • Not providing enough protein: It is important to ensure that chickens are getting enough protein in their diet to maintain good growth and development.

We hope you enjoy this video on feeding chickens

Source: Becky's Homestead

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