Complete Guide! How to Care for a Horse

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Complete Guide! How to Care for a Horse

With this video, you will learn how to take care of a horse. Getting a horse is exciting, but if one thing's for sure, there's a lot to know about proper horse care.

The creator of this video has lived her whole life around horses, luckily she was able to learn a lot along the way, so she can give you a super comprehensive guide to caring for a horse.

We are sure that all this information can be very useful to you because we believe that you will find everything you need to know about basic horse care here!

Like any pet, horses need care. Horses, however, need much more care than dogs, cats or goldfish. If you've ever wanted a horse, it's important that you understand the financial and time commitment required to own a horse. Horses need basic and specialist care to help them thrive.

For example, you will need at least 1.5 lands per horse to participate, and it must be properly fenced to both contain your horses and prevent them from taking damage. In some parts of the country, you'll need to keep predators like coyotes, wolves, and mountain lions away from the enclosure.

Horses in their natural state are grazing animals. They nibble on grass throughout the day, receiving a constant stream of fodder and water.

Because they don't regulate the amount of food they eat and will gorge themselves if they have access to a large amount, you should feed them food at measured intervals twice a day. You should also make sure the horses always have a fresh, clean water supply.

If your horse is kept inside a stable, it must have a clean foot underneath. You can't let manure or waste pile up. This can provide a breeding ground for flies, as well as ruin your horse's hooves and health. Daily stable cleaning is essential to ensure the health and happiness of your horse.

All of this may seem like a lot of work. Yes, but it's a labor of love for someone who has always dreamed of owning horses or ponies. Caring for a horse means learning not only how to care for a horse, but also how to take care of all of its basic needs.

Horse care also means taking care of the stable and tack room, which includes saddle, bridle, halter, rope and blankets. Leather should be conditioned and cleaned regularly to keep it soft, supple and comfortable for your horse. Blankets and saddle pads should be washed so that mud and sweat don't build up on them and cause discomfort to your horse's skin.

Other barn chores include sweeping dust and manure from walkways and removing cobwebs from the ceiling and light fixtures. Stable webs collect hay dust and shavings and can become a fire hazard.

The best way to learn how to care for a horse is to learn from an equestrian expert. This may mean just hanging out at the stable where you take lessons and ask lots of questions, or it may mean renting a horse for a while so the owner can teach you how to groom and care for it.

Once you have these basics, you are ready to become a responsible horse owner. If you want to learn more about how to take care of a horse, watch this video which will surely help you.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Horses

Source: Equine Helper

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