How To Play With A Horse
Today we want to share with you a special post:
How To Play With A Horse
Many people say that playing with horses is silly, but they are wrong, playing with horses is fun for us and for the animal. It is the best way to get to know you and build new bonds of trust.
The games that most amuse horses are:
With a long dressage rope, make him run at a gallop, stop and give him a treat, this will let him know that it is a game, because there is a reward, not a job.
So you can try when you run with the rope, jump and they will jump with you, as soon as you do that the horse will stand on two legs and jump and move its neck, don't be scared, that's their way of being happy.
If you have giant balls, play with them, at first they will scare you but then they will kick and head he alone with the ball.
You can also play tag with them, at first it may seem like they are scared or don't know what to do, this is because they don't know what the game is about and they don't know that you are playing, but once they understand the game, they will play with you, chasing you and running ahead of you.
Another way to play and at the same time teach him to jump is by placing a small low obstacle. With the long rope, run and jump towards him first and he will follow you.
Also another of the games, maybe your horse will learn to look for things. For example, teach him to look for a small piece of carrot, you show it to him and first you throw it near him, and you show it on the ground until he finds it. Then repeat several times until you get used to it.
Another of the similar games is to show your horse the carrot or some sweet and start running (without scaring it), and it will immediately start to follow you, if it starts kicking, get as far away from it as possible.
The more intelligent a horse is, the more alert he is and the more willing he is to play. This also tells us that he is a good horse to work with and will no doubt learn easily; but we must exercise his intelligence by playing with him.
The game has a large number of advantages for both the tamer and the horse:
This will allow us to better understand the characteristics of our animal, during the game we will be able to observe movements that the horse does not develop during daily work. It provides a motivation for the horse. Of course, it is necessary to make it clear from the beginning what is play and what is work (for this we can, for example, let the horse out during the game and tie it up when he has to work).
The development of activities of this type increases the attention span of the animal, since it pays attention completely voluntarily. The game can also be used to train the horse's confidence.
To do this, we will place different elements that he may consider dangerous (such as a ball), which he will dodge at first, but after a short time we will be able to see how much fun he has with them.
The freedom to flee from a situation that suggests danger and return on your own initiative is the best way to make you lose your fear. Added to this is the fact that if the horse is accompanied by his tamer in all these situations, he will be able to lose fear of any situation if he notices his presence.
Keep these premises in mind when playing with your horse:
You must be the one to take the initiative at all times, otherwise we could find ourselves in dangerous situations. It is not convenient to play without being protected, since, even if it is not intentional, the horse can cause us some damage. Therefore, we must carry a whip or a long whip.
Avoid letting the horse raise its hands, it can be extremely dangerous. If he does, avoid stepping back, as this will only make the horse realize that he can overpower him with that move, so he can use it at another time.
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Horses
Source: Equine Helper
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