Jerboas as Pets: Why They're Taking the Pet World by Storm

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The Ultimate Pet Experience: Keeping Jerboas as Companions

Want to keep a gerbil as a pet? Learn about the care these curious animals require and find out if they are your ideal pet.

Gerbils are small, active animals that are becoming increasingly popular as pets. With their curiosity and energy, they can be a fun and entertaining addition to any home.

However, keeping a gerbil as a pet requires a great deal of responsibility and dedication to provide them with a comfortable environment.

In this article, we will explore the specific needs of gerbils as pets, from space and food to entertainment and other care.

We'll learn how to create a safe and comfortable environment for our gerbil, and how to make sure they're getting all the nutrients they need to keep them healthy and happy.

Find out if a gerbil is the right pet for you and how to provide them with a suitable home.

Care of a gerbil as a pet


Gerbils are omnivorous animals and need a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables and gerbil-specific food.

In terms of fruits and vegetables, some recommended choices are:

  • Apple
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumber
  • Parsley
  • Among others

It is important to avoid giving them fatty foods or excessive sugar.

As for specific food for gerbils, there are different types of feed available in specialized pet stores, which usually include a variety of seeds, dried fruits, dehydrated fruits and vegetables, and vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

In any case, always read labels and select one that is suitable for gerbils. Remember to provide a variety of foods to ensure a balanced diet and avoid health problems.

Enclosure or cage

A gerbil's habitat as a pet must be adequate to meet its basic living needs, including space, food, entertainment and temperature.

Some considerations for creating a suitable habitat for a gerbil include:

  1. Space: gerbils need a large cage with enough room to run and jump. It is important to provide a wheel for exercise and several levels for climbing. The cage should be at least 4 times the size of the gerbil.
  2. Lighting: Gerbils are nocturnal animals, so it is important to provide soft light for daytime and dim light for nighttime.
  3. Shelter: It is important to provide shelters for the gerbil to rest and hide in. The shelters should be of adequate size for the gerbil and should be easy to clean.
  4. Temperature: These animals come from temperate or cold climates and need a cool, draft-free environment. It is important to ensure that the cage is in a cool area of the house and not exposed to direct sunlight.
  5. Entertainment: Gerbils are very active animals and need time to play and explore. It is important to provide toys and objects for them to interact with and keep them entertained.
  6. Food: It is important to provide a fresh, clean source of food and water at all times.

It is crucial to keep the cage clean and change the water and food regularly, and provide a safe environment to avoid injury and illness.

Grooming and bathing

Gerbils do not need regular baths, as they clean their fur and keep their skin clean themselves. However, you can provide them with a bowl of water so they can dive in and swim if they wish.

In addition, you can include toys and hard foods to help keep their teeth clean and strong. A nail trim every so often will also be necessary, as their nails can grow too long and cause pain or injury. You can trim them yourself or take him to a pet specialist.

Health and life expectancy

The life expectancy of a gerbil as a pet can vary depending on several factors, but in general they can live between 5 and 7 years.

However, some gerbils can live more than 10 years if they are properly cared for and any health problems are detected and treated early.

In terms of health, gerbils are generally healthy animals, but as with any pet, it is important to watch for any signs of illness or health problems.

It is important to take your gerbil to a pet veterinarian for regular checkups and to catch any health problems early. Some common health problems in gerbils include:

  1. Dental problems: gerbils have incisor teeth that are continually growing, so it is important to provide them with toys and hard foods to help keep their teeth clean and strong.
  2. Obesity: Gerbils are prone to obesity if they are not given enough exercise and a balanced diet.
    Nail problems: It is important to keep the gerbil's nails short to avoid injury and pain.
  3. Breathing problems: Gerbils can be prone to respiratory problems if exposed to cold drafts or humidity.
  4. Skin and coat problems: Gerbils can suffer from skin and coat problems if they are not provided with a clean environment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of keeping a gerbil as a pet

The advantages of keeping a gerbil as a pet include:

  1. They are active and curious animals, which can be entertaining and fun to watch.
  2. They are small animals, which means they require less space than other larger pets.
  3. They are nocturnal animals, which means they can be ideal for people who work during the day and are home in the evenings.
  4. They are solitary animals, which means they do not require the company of others of their species.

On the other hand, within the disadvantages of having one of these animals at home we can find that:

  1. They are nocturnal animals, which means that they can be noisy and active at night, which can disturb people who prefer to sleep in silence.
  2. Being very active they need space and entertainment to run and play.
  3. They need a cool, draft-free environment, which can be difficult to provide in some areas of the house.
  4. They require a special diet and a variety of foods to keep them healthy.
  5. They can be expensive to maintain, as they need a large cage, specific food and other supplies.
  6. They are not accepted as pets in all areas, and may be prohibited as pets in some places.
  7. They are animals that require daily attention and care, which can be difficult for people with little time or who travel frequently.

Overall, keeping a gerbil as a pet can be a rewarding experience, but it is important to consider the needs and disadvantages before adopting one.

Remember to do your research to be sure that the gerbil's specific needs can be met before adopting it as a pet.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Pros & Cons of Owning Gerbils

Source: Pet Connection International

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