Rabbit Body Language Explained - Everything you Need to Know

Today we want to share with you a special post:
Rabbit Body Language Explained - Everything you Need to Know
If your rabbit's ears are flattened, it means he's scared. It is also an instinctive attempt by the rabbit to hide when it is afraid of a threat.
In the wild, rabbits try to hide in vegetation, making it as flat as possible.
But make no mistake. Rabbits often melt to the floor when you give them a back rub. It just means that the rabbit is happy.
Highly strung
If your rabbit turns and walks away wagging its hind legs, it's a sign that it's angry and probably wants to be left alone for a while.
In this situation, the rabbit's ears are usually flat against its back.
You often see this behavior when you put the rabbit down after holding it for a long time.
Also, flapping its hind legs is a sign that a rabbit is angry or threatened and wants you to stay away.
If your rabbit has its ears pricked and is staring in a certain direction, it means that it is on high alert.
Most of the time, rabbits are on alert when they think there is a possibility of danger.
relaxed and confident
When a rabbit's ears are at a 45 degree angle, it means the rabbit is relaxed and comfortable with its surroundings.
Your ears will not be erect or flat on your back, and your nose will twitch at a normal rate.
This position is normal, standard rabbit body language and indicates that they have adapted to their environment.
They feel comfortable in their home and are not afraid of being attacked.
When a rabbit stands on its hind legs, it means that it is curious and trying to get a better look at its surroundings.
Rabbits also use this technique to ask for food.
Quivering ears
Sometimes rabbits turn their heads slightly to show that they are happy. Like mini binky, this little movement of your ears is a sign that your bunny is excited.
If you're trying to pet your rabbit, but he moves his ears when your hand approaches him, he's trying to tell you that he's not interested in being a pet right now and probably wants you to leave him alone for a while.
On the other hand, if your rabbit shakes his head frequently or starts scratching his ears, it means he is itchy.
Pronounced and frequent head shaking is a sign of ear mites or a bacterial ear infection.
When a rabbit runs circles around your feet, it is a sign of love and excitement.
Sometimes rabbits throw objects. These may include their toys, water bowls, or food. This happens when the rabbits are playing.
But remember, some rabbits can drop things when they're frustrated or bored. You often see this among rabbits that are kept in a cage that is too small.
When the rabbit stands on its hind legs and raises its front legs to box anyone who approaches it, it is exhibiting boxing behavior.
This behavior indicates that the rabbit is unhappy and angry. You can see this behavior when two rabbits are fighting or when people introduce their pet rabbit to a dog.
You may think that the rabbit is being cute, but actually it is scared and ready to fight and defend itself.
When rabbits walk slowly on their toes with their ears forward, it means they are wary.
Ass wriggling
You may notice your bunny's butt start to shake when you feed him a tasty treat.
This is a sign that your rabbit is happy and enjoying the gift you just gave him.
Flopping is when rabbits are thrown to the sides. It is also a sign that the rabbit feels safe and relaxed in its environment.
Binkying is a large leap into the air while the rabbit slightly rotates its body or head at the same time. Rabbits pout when they feel very happy or excited.
If you have a female rabbit, you can observe nesting behavior. She will dig and gather bedding materials to make a comfortable nest for her babies.
While this behavior usually occurs in pregnant females, rabbits that have not been sprayed can also exhibit this behavior. It's a bunny version of a fake pregnancy.
By moving the nose, more olfactory receptors come into contact with the air. This means that they are more likely to detect and identify odors in their environment.
And you've probably noticed that rabbits sniff objects up close. This is because rabbits are farsighted. So they move their nose to help them find things.
Rabbits are very clean animals and spend a lot of time grooming themselves. And you may notice that your rabbit often hits the air before cleaning itself.
This is because they want to brush debris off their paws before rubbing their face.
If your rabbit cleans itself when you are around, it means that it trusts you.
We hope you enjoy this video about Rabbits
Source: Jaw-Dropping Facts
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