The Sky's the Limit: How to Train Your Bird to Fly to Your Arm

Today we want to share with you a special post:
Fly to Me: A Beginner's Guide to Teaching Your Bird to Come When Called
If you're a bird owner, you likely enjoy watching your feathered friend flit around their cage or perch.
However, you may also want to encourage your bird to fly to you on command.
Teaching your bird to fly to you can be a rewarding experience for both you and your bird, as it can strengthen your bond and provide your bird with exercise and mental stimulation.
Before you start training your bird to fly to you, it's important to ensure that your bird is healthy and has enough space to fly.
A bird that is sick or stressed may not be able to learn new behaviors, and a bird that is kept in a small cage may not have enough room to practice flying.
Make sure your bird is in good health and provide a large enough space for your bird to exercise before starting training.
The first step in teaching your bird to fly to you is to establish trust and a positive relationship with your bird.
Spend time bonding with your bird by talking to it, offering it treats, and providing it with toys and activities to keep it entertained.
Once your bird trusts you and feels comfortable in your presence, you can start to introduce the idea of flying to you.
It's important to start small when teaching your bird to fly to you. Begin by having your bird perch on your finger or hand and gradually move further away.
Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or verbal praise, to encourage your bird to follow you.
Over time, your bird will learn to associate flying to you with positive experiences and will become more confident in its ability to fly to you on command.
Teaching your bird to fly to you requires patience, consistency, and a lot of positive reinforcement.
However, with time and effort, you can build a strong bond with your bird and help it develop its flying skills.
By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you'll be able to teach your bird to fly to you and enjoy the benefits of a closer relationship with your feathered friend.
We hope you enjoy this video about Birds
Source: ElleAndTheBirds
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