Common Mistakes in Caring for Bearded Dragons

Today we want to share with you a special post:

When it comes to the proper care and maintenance of bearded dragons, opinions vary widely, especially as to whether or not sand can be used, or feeding insects such as mealworms to the dragons.

This video tutorial will share with you a lot of information that will be helpful in avoiding several common mistakes that are made when it comes to caring for a bearded dragon.

Bearded Dragon Health Care

When provided with a positive environment and proper care, bearded dragons rarely get sick and can live up to 15 years in captivity. The most common health problems in these lizards are ectoparasite infestations (mainly ticks and mites), oral diseases, and salmonella.

In general, the main cause of diseases in the bearded dragon is the lack of hygiene in its terrarium and / or its environment. The accumulation of food scraps and excrement favors the proliferation of bacteria, fungi, parasites and various pathogens in your pet's space.

For this reason, the essential care for the health of the bearded dragon is to periodically clean its feces and food remains, change its water daily and thoroughly clean the entire terrarium at least twice a month. You can use warm water and mild soap to wash the terrarium, avoiding harsh chemicals.

Nutritional deficiencies can also lead to numerous health problems in pogonas. An unbalanced diet weakens their immune system, leaving them exposed to various diseases. The consumption of prohibited foods and toxic plants can cause serious digestive disorders and poisoning.

For this reason, we reinforce the need to offer complete and balanced nutrition to ensure the best care for your bearded dragon.

If you notice that your dragon's skin has changed color or texture, is dry or has cracks, you should know that these could be signs of calcium or vitamin deficiency, so you should quickly consult a specialized veterinarian.

On the other hand, it is essential to remember that the bearded dragon is sociable and needs to develop not only its physical abilities, but also its cognitive and emotional abilities. In addition to enriching your terrarium, you will need to reserve a special time in your day to interact with your pogona.

Many more experienced keepers recommend always adopting bearded dragon pairs, as they tend to get along better with each other.

Last (and not least), we highlight that reptiles can develop digestive, respiratory and ophthalmological problems asymptomatically, that is, without showing visible signs of disease. Therefore, health care for a bearded dragon should include preventative visits to the vet every 6 months.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Reptils

Source: Cold Blood Creations

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