The Essentials for the Happiness of Indoor Cats

Today we want to share with you a special post:
The Essentials for the Happiness of Indoor Cats
Thanks to this video you will be able to know which are the essential elements for the happiness of indoor cats. There are many who believe that cats cannot be happy if they are deprived of the outdoors, that is simply false.
We believe that this video can be of great help to you as you will be able to learn in detail the essential elements for a happy and fulfilling cat lives indoors. We hope it is useful to you!
Offer your cat fun activities
Even if your cat is a pure angel to you, he is predatory DNA. Hunting is in the cat's blood, so it's best not to ignore this important aspect of your four-legged friend's life.
Just like his wild cousins (tigers and lions), your little one should have his own blanket (even if it's just a room with lots of toys that remind them of prey). When playing, the cat becomes much calmer, so he will sleep well, without disturbing his sweet dreams with night steps.
Also, chasing games are great for keeping your cat fit indoors. Because it's fun when the cat is a chubby fluffy ball, but obesity is not acceptable to our meowing friends.
Take care of your healthy eating
Still with regard to physical fitness, keep in mind the importance of a balanced diet for your domestic cat. Since a pet cannot be as active as a wild animal, and therefore cannot eat in such quantities as its true predatory brother.
We recommend that you consult a qualified veterinarian about the best food for your cat, so that it has enough trace elements and proteins. Most likely, he will suggest that you mix homemade dry and wet food to keep your cat's digestive and reproductive systems working properly.
People say we are what we eat – always remember when preparing meals for your loved ones. This is how we can definitely make your life long and joyful.
Socialize your cat with other pets
As you know, all living things need each other because we are social animals and always will be. And while cats aren't parrots (there's a theory that parrots can't survive on their own), they do want to socialize.
Sure, you're great company for your pets, but you're not one of them. Sometimes you don't understand the signals your purring friend is sending you. You cannot wash it with your tongue in response, and you cannot communicate with it in the language "Meow", etc.
So if you have the opportunity to have a friend with your cat, do not hesitate, do it!
Create a comfortable window sill for your cat
Don't tell us your cat doesn't like to look anxiously out the window all day, you won't fool us! This is a hobby for all felines, so arrange a place that is relaxed, comfortable, and warm. You can put a pillow or blanket on the windowsill, and your pet will be happy.
And if you're wondering why cats like to look out the window as much as we do at our phones, the answer is pretty simple.
Cats are predators and enjoy watching birds, various insects, other animals and people, as is natural for them. Like lions, cats watch what is happening in order to know where it will be possible to hunt prey and where to hide in case of danger.
Make sure they have enough personal space
Before writing about this fact, we need a warning about your cat. I love and I love you But! Unlike dogs, cats need to spend a lot of time alone because their emotional states demand it. So make sure your cat has his own space where no one is looking.
This is a very real situation for freelancers working from home. We understand that you always want to pamper your four-legged friend. However, try letting him sit quietly and stare out the window for a few hours at a time.
Give your cat a good scratching place
Claws are an important part of a cat's body. They sharpen them so they don't get a spectacular manicure and become the envy of other cats. Sharpening his claws, your purring companion marks his territory, kneads his back muscles and gets rid of excess energy.
Therefore, if you do not want your cat to do origami with your favorite sofa or with an old vintage chair, it is better that you buy a special scratching post for him.
Establish many high places for him
We would be surprised to say that cats are very proud and love to feel royal. king? Probably not. But, oddly enough, this is not the main reason why your cat likes to sit on a laptop, kitchen cabinet or dresser.
The main reason for this behavior is that a domestic cat also wants to hunt. He climbs to the highest point where he can explore the territory to capture prey for himself and his family members.
Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Cats
Source: Jackson Galaxy
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